Life with a toddler can be incredibly overwhelming, especially in the weeks and months before your child learns how to communicate. However, you aren't alone in your quest to keep your child safe and happy. Here are three great times when you should consider hiring toddler child care.
1. You've Recently Started Working From Home
When you work from the comfort of your own home, it can be incredibly challenging to work alongside kids who need you for everything.
- Are you considering a Jewish community preschool for your child? If you're searching for the just-right early learning program for your young student, take a look at the benefits of a Jewish pre-K. 1. History Activities Your curious child wants to know everything about everything. Extend their love of learning into Jewish history. Even though the preschool-level curriculum typically doesn't include detailed historical content, it's a place where young children can learn the basics.
- Separation anxiety can arise in a child at any age, and often it can come on suddenly as a child goes through developmental changes that might not be so obvious to an observer. If your child happily went to a child care provider with no fuss and suddenly is clinging to you and crying, you're in the midst of a separation anxiety period. As with most things having to do with children, this stage is fleeting.
- Not all young children are ready to go to preschool, even though the programs revolve around kids of young ages. Some children are too shy or have separation issues and going to preschool is not a great idea. Is your child ready for preschool? Don't use their age to determine if they are ready for this step in their life, but rather certain accomplishments. Use this guide to determine if your child is ready for preschool.
- Daycare can be a wonderful way for your child to learn and grow while you're away at work, but a child that is not well rested will not have the best experience. A child needs more sleep than you may think, with toddlers requiring between 11-14 hours each night. Bedtime may be a fight, but late nights and early rises can be a recipe for disaster at daycare. Here are some tips for helping your child get enough sleep.